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Successful Thalassemia Major (Second Bone Marrow Transplant)

Thalassemia Major no longer imposes a lifetime dependence on blood transfusions. Little Melak found relief from Thalassemia Major through a successful second Bone Marrow Transplant at Fortis. Hear the inspiring tale from Dr. Vikas Dua, Principal Director, and Head of Paediatric Haematology, Haemato Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant, as he narra...

Successful Bone Marrow Transplantation in India

Undergoing a bone marrow transplant proved to be a transformative experience for Md. Monam Uddin from Bangladesh. Dr. Rahul Bhargava, Principal Director & Chief of Haematology, Haemato Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant at Fortis Hospital, successfully treated him. Watch Md. Monam Uddin share his journey and how Med Mark Global played a pivo...

Successful Pediatric kidney transplant in India

Embarking on a Journey of Healing and Hope: Fortis Hospital stands as a beacon of transformative care, led by the expertise and compassion of Dr. Salil Jain, the Director & Head of Nephrology & Renal Transplant at Fortis Hospital. Witness the remarkable story of patient Omina, who experienced a successful pediatric kidney transplant in Indi...

CP Angle Tumour Removal Surgery in India

Mr. Khalid experienced difficulties in walking, hearing issues, and persistent headaches. Seeking a remedy in Iraq proved futile. Turning to Max Gurugram for treatment, his case was entrusted to Dr. Arun Saroha, Director of Neurosurgery. Dr. Saroha identified a sizable Left CP Angle Tumor, posing a risk of paralysis. Prepared for surgery, Mr. Khali...

Surgery for Broken Humerus in India

Yahaya Said faced a severe arm injury in his home country of Tanzania, resulting in a badly broken right arm. Despite a prior surgery to mend the broken humerus, the procedure failed to facilitate proper healing. Seeking a solution, he consulted with Dr. Jatinder Bir Singh Jaggi, Associate Director of Orthopedics & Joint Replacement. After a th...

Lung Fibrosis Treatment in India

Mr. Ahmed Mohammad, hailing from Sudan, grappled with lung fibrosis, experiencing distressing symptoms like chest pain and severe breathlessness. Seeking relief, he journeyed to India and sought the expertise of Dr. Nevin Kishore, Head of Bronchology and Senior Consultant in Respiratory Medicine. Dr. Kishore conducted a lung biopsy using VATS to co...

ACDF Surgery for Abnormal Neck Movements

Mr. Uchena Aloy, hailing from Nigeria, faced challenges with choreoathetoid neck movements and limb weakness. His case was referred to Dr. Arun Saroha, Director of Neurosciences and neurosur...

Ceramic Knee Replacement Surgery for Arthritis

Ms. Lewa, hailing from Kenya, struggled with persistent knee issues that escalated into debilitating pain. Seeking help, she consulted with Dr. Jatinder Bir Singh Jaggi, Associate Director of Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement. The diagnosis revealed arthritis in her right knee, leading to Hyperextension Deformity. To address this, Ms. Lewa under...

Successful CRT D for Heart Arrhythmia Treatment

Mr. Zukhriddin Ziyoev, a native of Uzbekistan, faced a health challenge when he was diagnosed with heart arrhythmia. He experienced symptoms such as breathlessness, irregular heartbeats, and extreme fatigue. Despite undergoing prolonged treatment, his condition did not improve. Seeking guidance, he consulted with Dr. (Col.) Manjinder Sandhu, Princi...